Information System Solutions

Integration System Projects are built on the combining and running the system and infrastructure that works on the different platforms according to the needs of the Corporation.

By providing real-time and transaction – based data transmissions between the databases and critical system applications, productivity increases with the efficiency of the infrastructure. By integrating internal processes, applications and infrastructures from the different point with one-another, thus application and information are centralized and controlled in a single point.
From the network design to the system integration; establishment of the structural cabling infrastructure; from the hardware preferences to virtualization; from the firewall to the data storages; from disaster recovery to physical input-output controls; it’s ensured that different systems are operated coherent and managed easily at all processes.

With the rapidly developing technology and applications, more resources are demanded due to the variable needs of Corporations. With our latest technology solutions we provide services to the different needs of Corporations. By offering the highest level of memory, storage and performance for the most demanding applications, we offer optimal server solution with the enterprice server solution and memory expansion.

With the development of new generation server solutions and expanding memory, servers are providing a cross-border performance. Our next generation server solution enables enterprice – level virtualization, low cost and superior performance for database and business processes.

By ensuring the prevention of data loss, stream and quick accession and data renovation, it enables to reach and manage the information with out interapting the life cycle of the Corporation. Within the existing environment, it is aimed to make the information accessible and manageable collection of the messy data at a single control point is provided with regard to corporations.

Whether store of the huge amounted data or data layered (n-tiered) disk structure, also accordingly to the current status of corporations, solutions are provided to the rapid and capacitance requirements by analyzing and reporting them on a layered data storage system.

ARD INFORMATICS ensures data center infrastructures, end-to-end designing, performing installation and giving all the operational support within the framework of the institution's needs.

While data center designed, physical infrastructure management and performance of monitoring efforts are determined along with the benefits of the organization by targeting usage power at the lowest level. The data center designed on the concept of flexible, efficient and modular structure from end-to-end secure, trackable and manageable components.
Network is virtualized on scalability, manageability, security and continiuty according to the high standards. Information processing data storge and network solutions designed in the most correct way, accelerates set-up duration, improves performance and facilitates management.

With virtualization Technologies, to render wide resources much more accessible, due to the merged resources it is possible to manage the informatics technology resources more facilely. Thus corporations is able to use more server resources and gain more capital-operating costs.

Disaster Recovery Center enables to make a copy of the central data backup into a common field and transfer those copies to the Disaster recovery center. And if there is a problem with the system occurs in the central field, emergency process are carried out from the Disaster Recovery Center.

In the Disaster Construction Center due to the consideration of urgent needs and datas, technology connection and necessary equipments are provided. Virtualization Technology helps to reduce investment costs through the server consolidation and operational expenses through automation.

Virtualization Usage Areas

Network virtualization is done by bringing together the appropriate network resources and the appropriate bandwidths, each of which is independent from each other and separated on a particular server or the devices by assigned channels.

Virtualization backup is done by physically backing up of several network storage devices which is managed from a central console and appearance of a single storage devices.

Server virtualization is done by masking against the user server data such as numbers of individual servers, operating systems and processors, and authentification informations. While virtualization allows the sharing and usage of increased resources, and preserving the capacity to be increased later, users are preventing from knowing and managing the server.

Sharing of information and documentation between the different companies is realized through the Internet services. In as much as a lot of users, informations and documents, which can be critical for the company, so security is the indispensable component. With the gateway security solutions, security vulnerabilities such as prevention of an access of unauthorized users, regulation of running the Internet service applications and increasing information provided at the same time. A reporting infrastructure is also provided to enable real-time or historical messages reports that past or blocked by the network security gateway.

• On the same web service user-specific security policies provided.
• Over 100 available filters (IP, time control, user/authority verification filter, logging filter, limitation of traffic etc.) are provided.
• By creating policies with the currently owned filters, it is possible to develop company-specific filters according to the services.

Data security is an indispensable asset for the Corporations. Organizations which hold data security needs in the forefront; they can meet the data security needs with the different methods by using encrypted, secure usb memories.

• With 24 character password which are determined by the company, it is possible to carry out tracking and identification of all localized usb memory drivers.
• Data capacity can be restricted by passwords.
• With the double password option, it is possible to create administrator password along with the user password. So if the user forgets the password, accession to the device can be done with the administrator’s password.
• A corporate logo or a symbol can be rendered on the device to give it a unique look.
• With the abilty to limit password entries, the user can specify the number of the trial entries. If a specified number of incorrect entries are attempted, access to the information is blocked and a formating is required for reuse.
• User can use password reminder. (Optional)

ARD INFORMATICS presents the traceability of all kinds of living and non-living beings through many platforms.

Material analysis of the materials to be followed by the Identification Method, physical tests and the tests which are used for the appropriate industry sectors.
As a result, where is high resistance required, laser data matrix and where non-contact is required GPS or RFID is used. Organizations and companies that require high security measures, the traceability of people is provided by the Biometric System. Facial recognition, finger vein recognition and fingerprint recognition systems provide monitoring and managing the process.

ARD INFORMATICS offers brand independent hardware solutions which meet companys needs in the most accurate way, patterns the alternatives with the most effective comparison methods and provides hardware colsultancy services so that organizations can focus on their basis business and save time and cost.

• Supply of PC, Tablet and Notebook
• Server and Data Storage Unit Supply
• Industrial hand and Vehicle terminals
• Barcode printers
• Barcode readers
• Wireless Access Points