e-Government Projects
e-Government projects can be realized whereby ARD INFORMATICS in Finance, Customs, Geographic, MEB (the ministry of network education) and Legal areas with the expert staff of the field and the infrastructure that contains the latest technology.
Finance Information Systems;
By using advanced information Technologies, it is aimed to carry out business processes in an efficient and productive way in accordance with the e-Government Concept. So that taxpayers will be able to track their tax debts and real estate pay their taxes within the web environment. Budget, accounting transaction, e-billiing and real estate treasury management transactions can be realized through this system.
Customs Information Systems;
It is aimed to provide stakeholders with a compatible, quality and contemporary customs service in accordance with the World trade norms and European Unions custom legislation and the custom administrative organization of used documents and business processes is a targeted structure confession. While designing the targeted structure, technological developments and e-Government criteria are taken into the consideration.
Geographic Information Systems;
Gathering, storing, analyzing, submission and substitution functions according to the geographical bases of the needed information for research, planning and decision making organization is a fullest extent of geographic database, software, hardware, personnel and standards. Geographic Information System is used in various areas such as, urban and regional planning, agriculture, forestry, landscape, geology, defense, security, tourism, local governments, population, education, environment and medicine.
MEB Information System;
Detailed existing position and analysis work needs can be done in coordination with the Ministry of National Education and targeted position for the MEB needs can be revealed by analyzing similar Works. MEB within necessary systems specifies the internal working affairs, improvement of processes and development of educational contents. Technology advances and e-Government criterias are considered while designing targeted structures.
e-Legal Systems;
Web Services and web-based interface for all legal enteties (corporations, foundations, trade unions, political parties, public institutions etc.) and the detailed information accordingly to legal entity types and identies kept in a single center and needers (government agencies, company owners, banks, etc.) is planning to provide an authority securable system.